HOPE Christian Academy
Church School (AL 16-28-1) Outreach, Union Grove Baptist Church
Romans I:II-I2
Getting Started - This is a quick guide to your homeschool journey in Alabama.
HOPE Christian Academy on YouTube: You will find some very helpful videos here.
Homeschooling for FREE: This is a HUGE list of free resources anyone may use.
Alabama Home Education Law - This is a quick reference with the actual legal language.
HSLDA & HSLDA Interpretation of AL Church School Law
Helpful Home Education Products on Amazon:
Reading Aid Strips: These colored reading highlighters MAY help your struggling reader.
Plastic Sheet Protectors: If you have multiple children, you may save money on consumables by using plastic sheet protectors and dry erase markers. When you are done with your curriculum, this will allow you to sell your used curriculum INCLUDING the consumables.
A well-planned schedule is key to successful home education. Here are some great planners:
HOPE Christian Academy has joined the Amazon Affiliates Program. That means that a small percentage of your purchase will go back to our school. The best part is, you will not be charged extra for these items. Please us the links above to purchase your educational supplies. Thank you for your support.