HOPE Christian Academy
Church School (AL 16-28-1) Outreach, Union Grove Baptist Church
Romans I:II-I2
As followers of Christ, we are called to love and serve one another to glorify the Lord.
Community Service Outreach of HOPE Christian Academy
1 Peter 4:10 (ESV)
"As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace..."
We track student volunteer hours for high school transcripts for college admission purposes as well. In order to ensure proper accountability, please use the appropriate form to submit student volunteer service hours:
Volunteer Service Project Form
Please use this form to document volunteer service hours which you perform regularly. This form is to be used for volunteer service hours which you perform and accumulate on a scheduled or regular basis with one organization over time.
Please use this form to document volunteer service hours which you do not perform regularly. This form is to be used for volunteer service hours performed 1-3 times. For volunteer service hours which you perform and accumulate more regularly with one organization over time, please use the "volunteer service project form".
#HOPEhelps Awards Program Rules:
THANK YOU for your interest in the award program for HOPE HELPS! All members of any HOPE entity (cover, co-op and/or support group) are welcome to participate in this award program. This program is designed to encourage our students to make a difference in their community by working as volunteers and to award their efforts. Volunteer activities also look very good on college admission applications!
There are four levels of awards which will be presented: The HOPE HELPS GOLD AWARD is for students who volunteered at least 150 hours during the school year. The HOPE HELPS SILVER AWARD is for students who volunteered for 100 - 149 hours during the school year. The HOPE HELPS BRONZE AWARD is for students who volunteered for 50 - 99 hours during the school year.
ALL students - who submit a proper volunteer form documenting any amount of volunteer service will receive recognition.
The program begins on August 1st of each year and continues through July 31st of the following year. These dates coincide with the HOPE "school year". Students have the entire school year to log their volunteer hours. Logs for one school year are due on or before August 10th of the following school year. For example, logs for the 2018-2019 school year are due on or before August 10, 2019. Awards will be given before August 31.
Volunteer hours can be earned for any service provided outside of the student's home for which the student did not receive monetary compensation. Under our definition, household chores, babysitting siblings and/or school work are NOT considered volunteer activities. Also, students must not receive monetary payment for the services they provide.
Although we appreciate an entrepreneurial spirit, student's yard mowing or baby-sitting business does NOT qualify as volunteer activities. However, if the student mows an elderly neighbor's yard just so he doesn't have to, that work would qualify as volunteer time. We do understand that volunteer work may be rewarded with a t-shirt, a cup of cocoa, a hug, or a free admission ticket. We do not consider these types of goodies compensation and the student's volunteer service hours may be counted in this program. If you have any questions about what does and does not qualify as volunteer/service work, please ask either Constance Gillon 256/513-9212 or Kristin Smith 256/529-1827.
A few more points:
• YES, you can include the time worked when HOPE schedules a service activity. Generally, we try to schedule a service activity each quarter. Be sure to check the HOPE support group Facebook page/ calendar for service opportunities with the group.
• YES, volunteer hours you submitted to another institution (like Boy Scouts or AHG) for reward can be included in your logs for the HOPE HELPS program.
• YES, the time you spent preparing or rehearsing for a volunteer activity should also be included in the total time spent. For example, if you are making a presentation to a group of 4-year-olds about careers, the time you spent gathering materials and writing your speech should be included - along with the time for the presentation itself - as volunteer service hours.
• NO, you can not just "send an email" to submit your volunteer hours. Volunteer hours MUST BE submitted on or before August 10th and MUST BE submitted via the forms provided. The address to where submissions should be sent will be provided well before August 10th.
• NO, volunteer logs MUST include the name of a supervisor at the organization for which the student volunteered and MUST BE signed by that supervisor. Even if you volunteered at a parent's business, there is someone else there who can validate the work performed. We will verify submissions.
LUKE 6:35 "...do good, and lend, expecting nothing in return, and your reward will be great..."